Need a lift out of the fog?
We are committed to brain health and healing.
MeRT for Treatment of Depression
MeRT, which stands for Magnetic Resonance Therapy, is a highly customized use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or TMS, based on sophisticated diagnostics. It is a non-invasive, painless, and drug-free option for the treatment of a wide range of neurological conditions.
MeRT protocols start with a quantitative EEG or qEEG. The qEEG allows us to see patterns of dysfunction that identify varying disorders of the brain, such as learning and behavioral issues, emotional disorders, brain injury, and others. The qEEG done on each patient provides us with a map that guides each individually tailored treatment.
The equipment used for treatment with MeRT is FDA-cleared. It generates magnetic waves that allow us to gently stimulate specifically targeted areas of the brain. MeRT Treatment protocols have seen some incredible success in improving conditions such as Depression, including Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD) and Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).
The MeRT℠ Approach
No two people are the same, even with similar symptoms.
It’s important to us that it’s understood we nuture each patient uniquely. Therapy begins by identifying where each individual’s brain is having difficulty communicating. These areas are then specifically nurtured to strengthen their functionality.
Depression Brain Patterns
Brainwave Oscillations as a Biomarker for Major Depression Disorder Risk
Patients with depression have a few markers which are noted and reported in EEG studies. Generally, there is an in-balance in brainwave activity between the left and the right hemispheres of the brain: this is known as asymmetry. Specifically, altered alpha and theta wave activity between left and right frontal hemispheres.
When we work with these types of brain patterns, we aim to identify these asymmetries and strengthen brainwave activity with the goal of reducing symptoms of depression for the patient.
How MeRT helps
“I felt like I was alone even though I was surrounded by love and care.”
“It was just a cloud that would linger over my life every now and again. BTC helped me better understand what was going on in my head and after a month of treatment I was grateful to be depression free and medication free for the first time in my life.”
BTC Patient
“I couldn’t believe I had spent so many years feeling that way.”
For me depression was the constant feeling of: “I want to quit” and retreat to my home, except I would already be home… MeRT helped me shed this feeling in less than 2 weeks. I couldn’t believe I had spent so many years feeling that way.
BTC Patient
Learn what’s in your mind, to understand what’s on your mind.
Patients with depression have a few markers noted and reported in EEG studies. Generally, there is an in-balance in brainwave activity between the left and the right hemispheres of the brain: this is known as asymmetry.